Custom Rubber Spools
- Industry: Automotive Products
- Application: Rubber Spool
- Process: Transfer Molding
- Material: SBR
- Qualiform worked with the customer to create these custom rubber transfer-molded spools.
Custom Transfer Molding
We developed a compound for this transfer molding process to withstand the flex and fatigue. This product needed to stand up to fatigue and vibration issue over a period of time. Qualiform worked with the customer to ensure the quality of the rubber spool would stand up to the application.
Qualiform specializes in custom transfer molding and will work with you every step of the process to ensure the quality and materials meet your specifications. Contact Qualiform Rubber Molder for all your custom transfer molding needs.
Qualiform Custom Rubber Molding creates quality custom rubber compression molding, custom transfer molding, custom rubber injection molding and rubber to metal bonding with the highest standards in customer service.
Our Specialties
Transfer molding, rubber transfer molding, custom transfer molding, automotive transfer molding, transfer molding machine, transfer molds, transfer molding companies.